Dr. Gillian Sparkes, FAICD FIPAA
As the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability in Victoria, Gillian reports and advises government on the environment. Appointed as Commissioner by both sides of government (and commencing her third term in 2019) she is pioneering the implementation of the UN SDGs into environmental reporting for Victoria and is leading reforms in environmental monitoring, evaluation, assessment and reporting.
Initially an industrial chemist, Gillian has extensive hands-on operational and commercial experience in the private, public (State & Federal) and tertiary sectors, dealing with environmental, industrial, water, waste management and community issues. She shares her expertise in these areas across non-executive roles including Chair of FrontierSI (formerly the CRC for Spatial Information) and Directorships with the Country Fire Authority, Industry Capability Network Vic and the Royal Children’s Hospital Foundation. Gillian is also the Chair of the Western Port Integrated Water Management Forum and a member of the Monash Sustainable Development Institute Advisory Council.
Who Should Attend
Policy makers, healthcare professionals, creative practitioners, disruptors, futurists, research-led innovators, academic scholars and business entrepreneurs. Engaging for Impact 2020 is FREE of charge as part of RMIT's commitment to fostering greater collaboration between the University and the communities we serve.